Axelrod’s Twitter Feed Obsessed With Mitt Romney - ABC News

Axelrod’s Twitter Feed Obsessed With Mitt Romney

Need more evidence the Obama campaign team remains squarely focused on Mitt Romney, recent rhetorical jabs at Newt Gingrich notwithstanding?  Take a look at David Axelrod's Twitter feed.

Axelrod, Obama's chief re-election campaign strategist, has posted 75 messages on Twitter since the president launched his bid for a second term in April, referencing a Republican presidential contender directly on nine separate occasions.

In all but one, Axelrod attacks Romney.

He fired two new shots at the former Massachusetts governor on Twitter today after a two-month hiatus.

"Weird that Romney uses climate change to hit Newt.  As MA gov, Mitt boasted that his climate plan was 'one of the nation's strongest,'" reads a message posted to the account @DavidAxelrod.  (Twitter indicates it has "verified" the account belongs to the Democratic strategist with the same name.)

The swipe at Romney refers to a flyer put out by the governor's campaign in Iowa that highlights a joint 2008 ad Gingrich taped with then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on climate change. "With allies like this, who needs the left?" reads the mailer, which was first reported by the Des Moines Register.

Later, Axelrod took another shot at Romney on Twitter over his recent endorsement by former U.S. Senate candidate from Delaware and Tea Party favorite, Christine O'Donnell.

"If Christine O'Donnell really wants to help Mitt, maybe she can cast a spell and make his MA and Bain records disappear!" the @DavidAxelrod tweet reads.

O'Donnell famously ran an ad during the 2010 campaign declaring, " I am not a witch."

The only non-Romney candidate mentioned in the @DavidAxelrod Twitter feed since April is former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, whom Axelrod ribbed for his tax plan in June.

Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul said in an email that Axelrod's focus on the governor underscores just how much he's viewed as a threat to Obama's chances for a second term.

"Americans know that President Obama's policies have been utter failures for the middle class. He has failed to create jobs and has burdened future generations with massive amounts of debt. President Obama and his allies do not want run against Mitt Romney and be forced to defend three years of failure," Saul said.

"Instead of focusing on out-of-control spending and record unemployment, President Obama and his political machine are focused on campaigning and trying to tear down Mitt Romney."