The Note's Must-Reads for Friday July 27, 2012 - ABC News

The Note's Must-Reads for Friday July 27, 2012

The Note's Must-Reads are a round-up of today's political headlines and stories from ABC News and the top U.S. newspapers. Posted Monday through Friday right here at

Compiled by ABC News' Carrie Halperin, Amanda VanAllen and Ben Waldron


USA Today's Catalina Camia: " Jindal, McDonnell launch surrogates' tour for Romney" With Mitt Romney overseas, some of his top surrogates are fanning out across the country to keep up the Republican attacks on President Obama. Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal and Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell headlined events in the swing state of Iowa today. Jindal told Iowans not to be distracted by what Obama and Democrats are saying about Romney. LINK

The Washington Times' Luke Rosiak: " Households divided by campaign donations" Husbands and wives may share checking accounts, but they don't always share political preferences. So what happens when one-half of the marriage wants to donate to a candidate? A wife writes a $1,000 check to her preferred candidate, President Obama. A week later, her irritated spouse fires back with a $1,000 check to Republican Mitt Romney. The money cancels out, leaving the candidates even, television stations and campaign consultants a little bit richer - and the couple quite a bit poorer. LINK


ABC News' Z Byron Wolf: " No London Medal for Romney, What 'No Stone Unturned' Means to Obama (PM Note ) " If it we were doing a riff on Mitt Romney's trip to the U.K. as a British album, it might be something like London Call-Out, Never Mind the Bollix, or Help!. But that would be silly. In the spirit of the Olympics, we'll stick to sport. If there were an Olympics for diplomacy, Romney likely wouldn't be on pace to bring home a medal from London in 2012. LINK

The Boston Globe's Glen Johnson: " Mitt Romney's Olympics comments trigger response from Cameron, British press" Mitt Romney offered his unvarnished take of the challenges of holding the Olympics - and touched off criticism in the British press today and an apparent jab from Prime Minister David Cameron. Romney, who ran the 2002 Olympic Winter Games in Salt Lake City, said during an NBC News interview Wednesday that there were "disconcerting" signs about Britain's readiness. LINK

The Wall Street Journal's Sara Murray: " Shaky Start for Romney Overseas Trip" Mitt Romney launched an overseas tour Thursday that injected a dose of national security into a presidential race that has been nearly devoid of it. But in his first day of official visits with British leaders, the presumptive Republican nominee had to deal instead with a flap that followed comments he made about British preparations for the Olympics that ruffled feathers and drew a dig from London's mayor. LINK

The New York Times' Ashley Parker and Landon Thomas: " Romney Fund-Raisers in London Draw Banking Crowd" After a day made long by his remarks about London's readiness for the Olympic Games, Mitt Romney found a friendlier audience here on Thursday night at fund-raisers heavily populated with American financiers, donors representing an industry that has had troubles of its own. Mr. Romney held a fund-raising reception and a more exclusive dinner here on Thursday that included some of the top American financiers working in London. LINK

The Washington Post's Philip Rucker: " Mitt Romney tries to steer around Olympics controversy in London meetings" Thursday was supposed to be the easy day, when Mitt Romney would audition as a world leader here by talking about his shared values with the heads of the United States' friendliest ally. Instead, the Republican presidential candidate insulted Britain as it welcomed the world for the Olympics by casting doubt on London's readiness for the Games, which open Friday, saying that the preparations he had seen were "disconcerting" and that it is "hard to know just how well it will turn out." LINK

Politico's Mackenzie Weinger: " Mitt Romney broke MI6 silence, according to reports" Mitt Romney made another gaffe on his London trip Thursday by acknowledging he met with the head of Britain's MI6 intelligence agency, according to reports. Romney's meeting with MI6 head Sir John Sawers was not on the Republican's public schedule - and Romney made a major blunder by revealing it, CBS News and The Guardianreported. LINK

Bloomberg's Lisa Lerer: " Romney Riles Londoners With Comments on Olympic Games" It was supposed to be Mitt Romney's flawless world stage debut. Instead, the Republican presidential candidate spent the first day of his overseas trip fending off a furor over his London Olympics comments and scrutiny of a fundraiser with bankers linked to the Libor rate-fixing scandal. "There's a guy called Mitt Romney who wants to know whether we're ready," London Mayor Boris Johnson told 80,000 cheering people gathered at Hyde Park for the arrival of the Olympic torch. "Are we ready? Are we ready? Yes, we are!" LINK


" British Prime Minister Jibes at Mitt Romney Over Olympic Remark" LINK "Mitt Romney Questions Readiness for London Olympics" LINK "London Mayor Blasts Mitt Romney Over Olympic Comment" LINK


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