Instagram: 100 #Thanksgiving Photos Uploaded Per Second

(Image Credit: Image credit: Joanna Stern / ABC News)
Scroll through your Instagram feed today and you won't be able to avoid the photos and #thanksgiving #turkey #stuffing hashtags.
Yes, the Instagramming masses have taken to the popular app to share photos of the family- and food-filled holiday. And those masses are sharing at a startling rate. More than 100 photos per second are being uploaded with the #thanksgiving hashtag, according to Instagram. You heard that right, 100 photos a second, which would amount to 6,000 photos per minute.
Comparatively, during Hurricane Sandy 10 photos per second were uploaded during superstorm Sandy. Instagram CEO Kevin Systrom said Sandy was the single largest event captured on the service.
Thanksgiving photo sharing is at such a high level at the moment that Instagram is increasing server capacity to handle the extra activity and make sure that everyone is able to share their special moments.
Of course, it's just the start of the day - and dinner hasn't even started for most - so that number and those delicious photos are likely to go up. Way up.