Cheesepocalypse Alert! Velveeta Recipes to Make Now

ABC News' Kelly McKelvey reports:

Move over sriracha! The new shortage in town is the beloved cheese spread Velveeta-and just in time for the biggest dip day of the year, the Super Bowl.

Kraft, which manufactures the product, told ABC News, "It is possible some consumers may not be able to find some Velveeta products on store shelves over the next couple of weeks," but the company gave no reason for the lack of supply.

News of the shortage is causing a downright meltdown, with Tweets like, "Cheesepocalypse nears as Kraft runs low on Velveeta" and "Shortage of Velveeta? How does one survive?"

Velveeta is reassuring its fans to not be too distressed, saying that this is a short-term situation and that they are doing everything to get those yellow blocks back on shelves.

And for those lucky few able to get their hands on a block or two, here are some recipes to try:

Velveeta Taco Mac & Cheese

Velveeta Salsa Dip

Velveeta Grilled Cheese

Velveeta Easy Cheesy Fajita Dip

Velveeta Southwestern Chicken Dip

Velveeta Macaroni & Cheese