Cain on Policy Changes: Nobody’s Perfect; Obama Swings Again on Foreclosures (Since the Morning Note)

If you didn’t spend all day tuned into the political blogs and the cable shows, here’s what you missed since the Morning Note.

Herman Cain wants you to know he’s not perfect. Nobody (since Jesus, he said) is. And he’s going to admit he’s wrong even if it leads to accusations that he’s a flip flopper.

Here’s how Cain responded to the mounting evidence of flip flopperocity:

“If I make a mistake, I’m going to admit I made a mistake. The last perfect person was hung on a cross 2,000 years ago.”

We’re not casting stones, but there have been some prominent Cain reversals, from the three-age bill pledge (it was a joke) to the electrified border fence, to TARP. Other Cain positions we’re still trying to work out – notably, abortion.

Here’s an exhaustive list of Cain’s zig zags.

And he’s not the only candidate whose record is ripe for looks. We’ll look at another candidates’ zigging and zagging tomorrow.

(More) Help for Homeowners – President Obama struck out West today, where he announced in Nevada – the ground zero of the foreclosure crisis – that he would exercise executive authority to ease restrictions on refinancing home and student debt.

Will it help? Economists contacted by ABC News’ Huma Khan disagree on the number of people who would actually benefit. Some say it wouldn’t affect more than a 1 million households, a relatively small number given that more than 6 million homeowners are facing foreclosure or have delinquent payments. Others say the restrictions are too stringent and automatically cut out those under-water homeowners who have bad credit.

“It’s certainly going to be a constructive step in terms of supporting the economy,” said Karen Dynan, vice president of the economic studies program at the Brookings Institution. But “the other important point is that it’s not a free lunch. Homeowners are going to save on their mortgage payments but there’s another side of that transaction. Investors and lenders, people who fund the mortgages, are going to suffer” by getting a lower return.

Read more about the president’s latest plan to help struggling homeowners and a remembrance of “Help for Homeowners,” his old plan.

Obama’s plan, as much as it is, is a far cry from Mitt Romney, recall, who last week suggested the way to fix the foreclosure crisis is to just let it run its course. Read Republican plans for the dealing with the Housing crisis.

Revolving Door – The president tried with varying degrees of success to limit the number of lobbyists in his administration. But his reelection effort is something else altogether. Broderick Johnson spent the years between working for the Obama campaign in 2008 and now working as a lobbyist. He’s back in politics as a top campaign adviser.

From ABC’s Devin Dwyer: Johnson’s appointment, in spite of Obama’s effort to cast himself as an enemy of corporate lobbyists and moneyed interests, immediately drew fire from environmental groups, which said Johnson’s ties to the controversial Keystone XL oil pipeline violated the president’s pledge to remain free from lobbyists’ influence while in office.

The Rebirth of Rick continues, as early as Wednesday, when the Texas Governor is expected to launch a major ad buy in Iowa. More on that and the non-Texas consultants coming into the Perry Fold from Arlette Saenz.

Perry’s focus remains in Iowa. Mitt, on the other hand, officially delivered his papers in New Hampshire. And he did it with a new friend, former Sen. John Sununu.

Perry saw Romney’s Sununu and raised him a Steve Forbes.

Michele Bachmann’s former staffers in New Hampshire used these words to describe working for her campaign: “Unprofessional, dishonest and at times cruel.” They quit en-masse last week.

From Demon Sheep to Sinatra – On Top Line we talked to Robert Davi – who was evil in Goonies and James Bond and sounded evil in the infamous Demon Sheep ad in 2009 – but wants to bring the country together over Frank Sinatra. Watch it here.

Re-Birther – And finally, Rick Perry’s interview with Parade Magazine, where he wades into the quicksand of birtherism,  drew a rebuke from Karl Rove, who said the Texas. Gov. was buying into nuttiness.

That’s it ’til the morning.